This is it… the final week to buy your raffle tickets for a chance to win one of these amazing prize bundles!
Raffle benefits our LINK Plus program which provides additional market dollars for local LINK recipients!
Raffle tickets are $5 each, or 5 for $20! They can be purchased at our information booth on Tuesday and Saturday, at select vendor booths, or on our website!
Drawing will be held on August 28th… get your tickets now! If you are unable to make it to the market this week simply make a donation through our website and we will add the appropriate amount of tickets to the raffle for you!
Van Buren prize bundle valued at $524
Cass prize bundle valued at $475
Johnson prize bundle valued at $395
Benton prize bundle valued at $361
All prize bundles consist of products and gift certificated donated by our generous vendors
Get your tickets today and donate to this wonderful cause!!