**Vendor Applications are due on February 20, 2024**
Completed applications will be reviewed and payment requested upon acceptance.
All applicants turned in by the deadline of Feb 20 will be reviewed by the WFM board and a letter of acceptance or denial by March 1. An invoice and vendor will be sent to accepted vendors in the weeks between acceptance and their first market.
Vendor Applications are due on February 20, 2024.
Musician Applications will be accepted all season. If possible, we’d appreciate your application by March 31, 2024.
Late applications will be considered at the next board meeting. Space is especially limited on Saturdays so we strongly suggest that you apply early for these dates. Late applications can take up to 4 weeks to process.
The board considers applications from growers, producers, makers, and non-profits. Musician applications are considered separately.
Please submit printed applications to the market manager, Kelly Kempf, in person or via email at marketmanager@woodstockfarmersmarket.org (preferred)
Please download and fill out the form best suited to your business.