For Immediate Release
The Woodstock Farmers Market will return to the Woodstock Square on Saturday, June 6 and will be held on each Tuesday and Saturday until October from 8 am to 1 pm. Special rules of operation will be followed in and we encourage anyone with an underlying health condition not to attend the market. We encourage pre-ordering and our vendors are working hard to keep personal contact to a minimum. The following rules will be followed.
Please note that dogs are not encouraged to maintain social distancing.
Rules for 2020 Woodstock Farmers Market
- We will have vendor tables spaced at least six feet apart to maintain social distancing.
- We will have our product protected so that customers cannot touch produce before buying and provide signage to help enforce that.
- We will monitor and control the number of people allowed in the market at any one time, and will make sure we can easily maintain social distancing at all times.
- Preorders are being suggested, and we will make every effort to deliver product to a customer that prefers not to leave their vehicle.
- No vendor will be allowed to set up who shows any obvious signs of illness.
- All tables will be sanitized before the market and appropriately throughout the market hours.
- We will encourage any vendors and customers with underlying Health issues to not attend the market.
- All vendors must wear protective face coverings while at the market and customers should wear protective face covering.